Final Post


Judaism has had crucial role throughout history. Whether speaking of biblical times, or in the modern era, the jewish population for centuries has interacted with major historical events. The art of memes is continuously a building trend in todays society. There are memes that cover almost every form of topic or subject a person can think of. Religious memes are continuously up and coming,  protaining to both negative and positive aspects of a religious culture. In today's society, Judaism has become the punchline for jokes and the inspiration for a tsunami of memes. What caused such a prominent nation and strict people group to become a disrespected and laughed at culture. After studying judaism, the most prominent forms of stereotyping found was in their greed, appearance, and historical presence.


Judaism has had crucial role throughout history. Whether speaking of biblical times, or in the modern era, the jewish population for centuries has interacted with major historical events. The art of memes is continuously a building trend in todays society. There are memes that cover almost every form of topic or subject a person can think of. Religious memes are continuously up and coming,  protaining to both negative and positive aspects of a religious culture. In today's society, Judaism has become the punchline for jokes and the inspiration for a tsunami of memes. What caused such a prominent nation and strict people group to become a disrespected and laughed at culture. After studying judaism, the most prominent forms of stereotyping found was in their greed, appearance, and historical presence.

This case study compared to other case studies within this religious studies class is very different than others that have been seen. Similarities have been found in one particular case study provided by student Kris Watt, who is doing her case study over Mormanism in marriage and dating. Just like in the Judaism culture memes, she has found lots of stereotyping over her case study as well. The stereotypes in Kris's case study only focus on one stereotype within Momanism memes, while this case study is about several different stereotypes that all play a large factor in Jewish memes. In other studies that have been found such as the one on Virtuality Judaism, there has been in-depth analysis in how European society is trying to revamp the stereotypes that have been provided about Jewish religion and culture.

Notes for myself.

The final memes that I have selected for this research project all are very useful when it comes to writing this paper. These all dive into the stereotypes I have been exploring these past couple weeks. The first meme continues to follow the theme of stereotyping Jewish people as greedy and will go to any extent to due so. Society continues to mistake greediness in this society for frugality. The next meme is touching on the stereotype of how no matter what area of life a Jewish person is participating in, society will still view them as looking like a rabbi. Majority of Jewish people in modern day civilization do not actually have any resemblance to rabbis.

The last two memes depicted buy into the aspect of stereotyping that has gone too far in todays society. Making fun of one of the most horrific events to ever happen in Jewish culture and history itself. Humor can be used as a great learning tool when it is proclaimed in the right environment. Holocaust memes have continuously gotten out of hand in the fact that they take their memes to a new level of savagery.

Images provided by google images.

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